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Teen Advisory Group

What is the TAG group?

The TAG Group is the Teen Advisory Group at the Pembroke Public Library.

This Group meets once a month at the library  to participate in a variety of activities to assist the library. This group is a great way to make new friends and have fun while being active in your community!

What does the TAG Group Do?

Members of the TAG Group can participate in a variety of activities at the library such as Craft Preparation, Readers are Leaders (Reading Buddies), Shelving, Reader’s Advisory, and Assisting with programs or events.

How old do you have to join TAG?

Our Teen Advisory Group is open to anyone from Grades 6-12.

Members of the group who are 14 and over are able to collect community service hours.

How do I Join the TAG Group?

To join our TAG group, simply visit the Children and Teens Department of the library to complete an application form.

Once this form has been completed, return it to the library. Once this form has been returned, A Staff member will contact you to start volunteering!

The purpose of this application is to obtain parent/guardian permission to start volunteering and provide library staff with the applicant’s availability and interests.

Please Note: Students who are looking to complete their volunteer hours will be given priority for volunteer slots.

For more information please call (613)732-8844 ext.2 or email:

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