What is material recovery?
Pembroke Public Library’s Overdues/Fines procedure is step-by-step system for recovering unreturned library items and collecting unpaid library fines. If necessary, we use the services of Unique Management Services (UMS) to assist in material recovery and fine payment.
Why should I have to return my items or pay my late fees?
When an item isn’t returned to the Library it is unavailable for other patrons to sign out. Unfortunately, Pembroke Public Library has very limited resources for acquiring new items. When a patron loses or damages an item we rely on the patron to cover the replacement cost. Fines are in place to ensure that items are returned to the Library in a timely fashion so that everyone can fairly utilize the Library’s in-house resources.
What if I can’t afford to pay my fines?
If you are having trouble with the cost of your fine, or if you feel that the fines are unjust, the best thing you can do is reach out to us. By having a fine appeal meeting with our CEO we can try to come up with a plan that works for both parties. If extenuating circumstances play a part in your overdue items or fines, then your account will be reviewed by our CEO who will try her best to help you. If you leave your delinquent account unattended for too long, then your account will eventually have to be referred to UMS, as per Pembroke Public Library’s Overdues/ Fines Procedure.
How do fines accumulate on my account?
All items borrowed are subject to fines if not returned by the due date. Items not returned after an extended period of time will be assumed as lost and the replacement cost will be charged to your account. If your account is referred to UMS, and additional $25.00 service charge will be added to cover the costs associated with referring your account. This fine is non-refundable.
Who is Unique Management Services (UMS)?
UMS is a specialized collection agency for Libraries. They assist Pembroke Public Library to receive long-overdue items and fines.
What is Pembroke Public Library’s process for handling overdue items and fines, and when would my account be submitted to UMS?
Pembroke Public Library’s Overdue/Fines procedure operates as follows:
1st notice: You will receive a phone call or letter informing you that you have overdue items 7-14 days after they have become overdue. If you return an overdue item you will receive notice about your fine 7-14 days after you have returned the item.
2nd notice: 14 days after your first notice, you will receive a letter in the form of an invoice, informing you of the replacement cost(s) and fine(s) that will be due if your account isn’t returned to good standing.
Final notice: 21 days after your 2nd notice, you will receive a letter will all the charges on your account informing you that if you do not respond within 10 business days we will have no choice but to refer your account to UMS.
What is UMS’s process for handling my account?
- Day 60 (day of submission to UMS): 1ST letter
- Day 81-88: Initial phone call(s)
- Day 102: 2nd letter
- Day 125-139: Final phone call(s)
- Day 150: Final letter
- Day 180: Credit reporting
How can I avoid Overdues/Fines accumulating on my account?
Pembroke Public Library has many ways for you to keep up to date with your account. Here are a few options:
Renewal in person at the circulation desk
Renewal by phone (613-732-8844)
Renewal by email. Simply send a message to info@pembrokelibrary.ca and we’ll renew your items for you. Be sure to include your name, account number if possible, and the items you would like renewed.
Renewal by logging on to your account. Did you know that you can renew your own items and more online? Simply log onto your account via https://pembroke.insigniails.com/Library/Home using your full library card number as your login, and your last name (no capital letters) as your password. From there, you can renew items, reserve items, and much more. If you have more then one item out be sure that you click renew on all of them, and not just one. If you have any problems with your account online, give us a call: 613-732-8844.
Please note: We are not able to renew overdue items unless the late fee is paid first. It is always best to contact us as soon as you are aware of overdue items or fines on your account.
When is an item considered overdue?
Your item is considered overdue at the time of library closing the day the item is due. For example, if your item is due Monday February 5th, then you have until 8:00pm on Monday February 5th to either return or renew your item. After library closing, fines will begin accumulating on your account.
Pembroke Public Library – Hours of Operation & Holiday Closures
Please note that the Library closes for all statutory holidays. If your regular due date falls on a statutory holiday your due date will automatically bump ahead to the next available date that the library is open. Fines are also not accumulated on Sundays.
How do I use the Library’s drop boxes to return my items?
For your convenience, Pembroke Public Library has evening drop boxes where you can return your items. The drop boxes are open even when the Library is closed. However, if you are returning an item in the drop box the day that it is due, it will be scanned in the next day and will then be considered overdue.
What are the loan periods and fines for Pembroke Public Library’s items?
Our complete list of loan periods and fines can be found HERE.
Didn’t find an answer to your question? Reach out to us! We’ll be glad to help.
Overdues & Collections/Circulation Coordinator
Taylor Bissonnette
613-732-8844 X 4
Jocelyn Lofstedt (Children’s & Teens Department)
613-732-8844 X 2