Pembroke Public Library is part of a resource-sharing network. Patrons may now initiate their own interlibrary material search. Please note that newly published material is not available for borrowing through the interlibrary loan system.
For information about the self initiated search please see below.
Pembroke Public Library Offers Interlibrary Loan
If our library does not have what you are looking for ask us about getting it supplied from another library…
What is Interlibrary Loan?
Any borrowed book or item that comes from another library outside of the Pembroke Public Library system is considered an interlibrary loan. Patrons must check the Pembroke Public Library’s catalogue first to determine if the item is available from our collection prior to making an interlibrary loan request to borrow from other libraries.
Requesting an Interlibrary Loan
Once you’re sure that our library does not have the item you’re looking for, you can request an interlibrary loan.
How do I request an Interlibrary Loan?
You can place a request through library staff at the main circulation desk OR you can use Patron Self Serve Interlibrary Loan to place your request yourself from the library, work, school, home … anywhere, anytime at your convenience.
How can I sign up?
Library users must first possess a valid library card and have an Interlibrary Loan patron record created by our staff. To register, visit us in person, or provide your full name, address, home phone number and library card number in an email to our Interlibrary Loan office at interloan@pembrokelibrary.ca.
What if I don’t find what I am looking for in the system?
From the Interlibrary Loan page on our website, select the Interlibrary Loan Request option and fill in the form which will be sent to library staff for processing. You will be contacted if additional information is needed regarding your request or to approve service charges.
How long does it take to fulfill a request?
This varies depending on the availability of the requested item. Many requests are filled in as little as a few days. Harder to procure items could take up to six weeks or longer.
How can I monitor the progress of my requests?
You can view the status of your request by looking at “My Requests” on the side-bar of the page to know when it has been processed, shipped and received. You can also observe if your interlibrary loan request has been cancelled because the item is located in the Pembroke library or the policies of the lending library prohibit loan. If there is any problem with your request library staff will alert you. Please do not resubmit your request.
How will I be notified that my material is available?
Patron notification will take place once the item has been received at the library where the patron is registered. Library staff will inform the patron by telephone/e-mail. Prompt pick-up ensures that you will have the maximum borrowing time.
How do I renew a borrowed item due date?
You can not renew a due date on line. You must contact library staff to request a renewal of the loan period. Please contact the Interlibrary Loan Department at our library.
Getting Started with Patron Self Serve Interlibrary Loan
ILL Special Notice – Please note that as of November 12, 2024, all libraries across Ontario will no longer use Info Ontario (Zportal) for interlibrary loan. Please contact the library if you would like to sign up for self-serve interlibrary loan. If you have already been set up with a self-serve interlibrary loan account, you will receive an email by November 11, 2024 with instructions on how to continue ordering books.
Phone: 613-732-8844 ext. 1
Email: interloan@pembrokelibrary.ca